Friday, August 14

Desert Rain

Yesterday, it rained. For those of you from the Northwest or other areas of the country that get a lot of rain, that may not seem like a big deal. But, when you live in the desert, it's pretty cool (figuratively, and literally).

It was "dark" outside when we woke up. This is in comparison to the bright, shining sun that usually wakes us up. The kids actually slept in longer because of this, making the morning process a little slow (and mommy late to work -- oh well!)

It was, in fact, so rainy, cloudy and "cool," that I decided to wear my brown knee-high boots to work. Jacob was ecstatic that he could carry his yellow duck umbrella up the sidewalk to school. Josh liked the puddles. It also warrented a stop at Starbucks for a tall, hot, skinny vanilla latte.

Later in the day when the temperature peaked at about 103 degrees, the boots seemed to be a bad idea. Sweating in the heat, I wondered how I guzzled down that hot latte. But, for one glorious summer morning, the desert rain was amazing and beautiful. If you live in Arizona, you know what I'm talking about.

1 comment:

Nana said...

Welcome to OUR world Angela! Of course you lived here too! A little rain can do wonders huh?!!! Love and hugs!