Tuesday, January 20

Disneyland's Cute Little Half-Cousin

We PROMISE to post the rest of the Disneyland photos soon. But, before part 2, it was very apropos that we went to a very small version of a Disney-esque park over the MLK holiday this past weekend!

For those of you Oregonians that rememeber Enchanted Forrest, this was about 1/2 the size. There's this place in central Phoenix called Enchanted Island which is on the Encanto Park property. The rides are geared specifically for 2-7 year olds, so they were very safe. Couple the rides with an 80-degree day, and we had quite a blast! Here's a photo sampling:

We knew they'd be driving, but it seems so soon:

Here's our boys on what they called the "Mini Enterprise" -- our little babies! A certain mommy was a bit scared they'd fall out all on their own, even though they were strapped down. Good thing it was only 1 foot off the ground:

The warm weather was perfect for a little bit of bumper boats. Joshie was too small, but Jacob did very well steering his vessel:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay!! Looks like so much fun for the boys!! They look so cute and little in the car-go-round!! Thanks for posting these! We enjoy them so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!