Thursday, April 23

Happy Birthday Jacob

To our amazing boy... who is now 4! We love you!

Sunday, April 19

Big Boy Bed

It's hard your first night sleeping in a toddler bed...

Even though Josh fell out of his new "big boy bed" several times during the night (notice the feet on the floor -- Josh was still in full sleep during this pic where we heard his feet THUD hit the floor), he's doing just fine adjusting to life without a crib.

Next step: weaning off the pacifier. AUGH! For now, we're just tackling one thing at a time.

Sunday, April 12

Happy Easter!

It's been a busy, busy month, but everyone is doing well. Spring is here! It was the coolest Easter we've had in a while--a nice 76 degrees today. The kids enjoyed a great day playing with their cousins and had a nice visit from the easter bunny.

We also technically celebrated Jacob's 4th birthday this Saturday. His party is next weekend, so in a kid's eyes, he's really waiting for the party until everything about his birthday is "official." What an exciting month we are having! More to come...