Monday, September 14

T-Ball Season Ends

It was a good run ... a home run, actually! T-ball was a huge hit with Jacob. He loved every minute of it. Josh got into it too. The great thing about this league was that the field was adjacent to a park. So, Josh was able to get a lot of sliding, swinging and climbing in (not to mention rolling around in the dirt—literally).

Here's a few good quotes from the season:
"Why do I have to practice? Let's just do the games."
"I'm really good at throwing ... My favorite thing is being pitcher." (kind of ironic in t-ball)

Tonight marked the last game of the season. Jacob really got in his last few home run slides, as you can see from this video:

Jacob received his medal from the chipmunk "Chipper", the team mascot. We're sure this marks the beginning of a long streak of sporting activities for the kids. But, with shots like this, how can you say no?

1 comment:

NANA, PAPA said...

Oh! Perfect pictures! Jacob obviously luuuuuuuvs to slide to the base! Ahem,the funny faces in the team photo...was that approved by the adults? I'm guessing yes!!! So cute!!!! WAY TO GO JACOB!!! HURRAY FOR #4!